Learn while you get on with your life! ++ special offer ++

One of the truly life-changing introductions of the last few years is having a whole book in a tiny gadget and having it read to you!

What luxury!

What a great way to make boring tasks go faster.

And what a GREAT way to learn!

You can listen repeatedly. You can rewind. You can speed the narration up (but do avoid making it sound like The Chipmunks!), or you can slow it down to catch the details.

You can really squeeze every last drop out of your book.

So that makes it a really effective way of training your dog!

Using a device where you can easily pause, rewind, and continue, means you can go through a lesson step-by-step, working absolutely at your own and your dog’s pace.

This is essential to ensure you don’t race over the important steps and wonder why it’s not working (heheh!).

And that’s why I had my Essential Skills for a Brilliant Family Dog, Books 1-4, professionally produced, and why I made them available as widely as possible.

The huge advantage to you of buying direct from the author is that you can get these books anywhere in the world - wherever you live! . . . you get a special app to listen in. (I know many of you can’t access Audible and other such stores.)

This is what some reviewers are saying about the audiobooks:


Excellent straightforward advice ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Beverley uses very simple games and techniques to help build a strong bond with your dog and bring calm and help with basic training. Highly recommended!”

Perfect tips for a brilliant family dog ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Fantastically narrated, providing tips and easy to follow examples for a brilliant family dog, whether have had dogs before or not.
Well written, easy to follow and ideal for anyone with a dog.”

Great book ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Great book, clear instructions and pleasant to listen too. Love it - highly recommended. Very helpful.”


Perfect! ... And Excellent, Clear Narrator! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I loved this book! I was afraid when I ordered it that it would be a balanced trainer and was thrilled that the author promoted force free techniques. I too use a Freedom Harness, a Perfect Fit, or Balance Harness, so I loved the mention of the Freedom. Although I'm a professional trainer, I always like to improve my skills and learn ways of teaching behaviors that may differ from my own. I'm very excited that this book may teach other guardians a fool-proof method of teaching recall. I was particularly interested in Premack, as my terrier is ALL about prey.

Thank you for a wonderful, simple, effective and concise book that I can recommend to my clients; a great reminder to practice recall more often than I do.”


Where can I get my book?

And to make it even easier for you to lay your hands on these audiobooks (and start enjoying them as much as Lacy clearly is below!) you can buy them direct from the author (me!).

And up till Christmas Day there’s a special 25% reduction for you when you use this code at the checkout: E6LQEZYXY1  Woohoo!

Don’t miss it!

Here’s where you go to get them: www.brilliantfamilydog.com/audiobooks

  1. Choose your book/s

  2. Select the button “BUY DIRECT FROM THE AUTHOR”

  3. Be sure to copy the code above and paste it in at checkout …

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How can I ever become a dog trainer?

You’ve hunted all over the internet

You’ve read all the books

You’ve watched the whole of Youtube

You have certifications coming out of your ears

You’ve learned ALL the things …

But have you done any of the things?

After all this work, are you any nearer to becoming the dog trainer you so long to be?

Well, I can tell you -

🐾 There is nothing wrong with you!

🐾 This is 100% normal.



We all seem to have a program running that tells us we’re not good enough. That we can’t do the simplest thing. That whatever we try won’t work.

You may have been dreaming of working with dogs for years! You’ve been learning everything possible. You even signed up for a very good but very expensive course to learn how to train dogs.

But every time someone says to you, “You ought to be a dog trainer, you’re so good at it!” you climb into your shell and in a tiny voice say, “Oh no, not me. I just wouldn’t know where to start.”


Why is this so?

So why does this capable person, who’s been earning their living for years - working for themselves or for someone else - have a meltdown when it comes to showing their light to the world?

There are two main reasons:


  1. They’ve been pursuing the wrong knowledge.

  2. They think they’re not good enough. They think they’ll fail. They think they’ll run out of money and end up living under a bridge.


Let’s look at these more closely:

  1. “Wha? Didn’t I need all this study?”

Well yes, you did. If you’re going to train people’s dogs you have a duty to do it right. (For anyone who follows Brilliant Family Dog this means without fear, force, or intimidation.) You have a responsibility to know your subject inside out, so you can back up your actions with the science.

But the trouble is, most people do that part of the studying . . . and stop. They never learn the vital second component - how to run a BUSINESS!


Fact is, your training certification is NOT enough.

It’s only half the story.

The other half is being able to present your skills to the world, have people come to you with their dogs, to give a superlative service, and earn a comfortable living.

You need guidance to show you what you need to do, what order you need to do it in, and - importantly - what you absolutely don’t need to do!

You need guides and templates, class plans and documents, to build into your business, to make sure you can earn your living without falling foul of the law or the taxman.

And as for

2. The not-good-enoughness, that can run deep. You may be fighting against years of thinking you don’t make the cut, that you have nothing to offer.

You’re going to need a bit of help to banish these thoughts, and see that you have something to bring to the world which only you can bring.  

This is the key - to recognise your own individuality, and know that people want to work with people they relate to.

There is such choice in everything - tv programs to watch, shoes to buy, food to eat - and there’s room for all these different things.

And this is where you need a mentor.

Someone who’s already done what you want to do.

Someone who has already walked the path and can show you the way.

You can gather information till the cows come home, but unless you have the support you need, you’re not going to get it working for you!


Do you command your dog, or ask him?

And I suppose I can add - do you command your friends, or ask them?

I guess the idea of issuing commands to dogs comes from when the only trainers were policemen, soldiers, gamekeepers, and the like.

They were used to issuing orders to their underlings, so naturally they would do the same with their dogs.

But like so much of what was developed in the last couple of centuries, these methods are now outdated. Much better methods have been discovered and devised, and what’s more - they work!

Issuing a command goes hand in hand with the idea of punishment if the command is not immediately obeyed. People tell me their dogs are disobedient if they don’t respond immediately to a command. How many of these people live with folk who need repeated requests to get anything done?!

Why do they expect a higher standard from their dog?

Thing is - life goes much better when we’re in a partnership with those around us.

We ask them to do things, and they have a choice whether to do them or not.

And that’s exactly how I like to exist with my dogs.

My dogs ALWAYS have a choice!

“But my dog will never make a good choice!” people will wail!

Master and Slave?

Basing your relationship with anyone on a master-slave approach will only ever get grudging compliance at best.

Basing it on a friend-friend approach will get you the outcome you want!

Now in response to the suggestion that dogs will never make a good choice - it’s up to me to set things up so my dogs make the choice I’d like them to make.

And that’s what I mean by “training”.

It isn’t about getting instant obedience because the dog fears my fury or punishment if they don’t do it right.

It’s about bowling along together in harmony, both wanting the same result.

Isn’t that much more appealing?

If you work this right, your dog will anticipate your requests and actually do what you want automatically!

Think on that!

Tell me in the comments, where do you think you can make some changes that will lead to this happy outcome?


If you need some ideas, be sure to watch our free Workshop on Getting Your Dog to LISTEN! Plenty of lessons there to get you started on a new and exciting track!






What’s your favourite dog walk?

For a dog walk to be a resounding success, it has to be enjoyable for you and your dog!

It also has to be safe, of course, and it needs to serve a purpose.

For you this may be to relax after a long day’s work; to get that body moving after being chained to your computer or the stove all day; to free your mind of all the “have-to’s” and go somewhere you can’t do any of them!

And for you dog, it could be any number of things, depending on your dog’s age, fitness, and personality.

What's your dog's favourite walk?

Is it

🐶 Sniffy?

🐶 Hurtling?

🐶 Hunting?

🐶 Chasing?

🐶 Playing with you?

🐶 Playing with other dogs?

🐶 Slow and steady?

Whichever it is, you need to be ensuring your dog finds his walks satisfying too!

While you admire the scenery and the sunset, your dog can be sniffing and exploring. 

While you stride out over moor and mountain, your dog can be racing around with glorious freedom.

And while you chat with a friend, your dogs can be enjoying a runaround together.

Or maybe both you and your dog prefer solitude, and are happy to walk for miles without meeting a soul.

Group Dog Walks

If you can find a well-organised group walk, where the organiser knows what they’re doing and can manage the situation safely, that can be a joy for puppies and sociable dogs.

But be wary! A lot of damage can be done if the organiser has little knowledge or authority. Ask to go on a walk without your dog first time round, so you are able to assess how suitable it will be for your dog.

Town Dog Walks

Town dog walks can be entertaining too - possibly including a pleasant coffee-stop at a cafe! - as long as your dog can handle the sights and sounds of busy streets and pavements without freaking out through fear or over-excitement.

If your dog is not 100% keen on this type of thing, you can save up your walks and go a couple of times a week to a calmer open space.

Dogs don’t have to be walked every day!

This is a misunderstanding prevalent amongst new dog-owners. 

It’s important to remember the purpose of the walk - it can be for socialisation and training, or for exercise and R & R. 

The ASPCA puts it like this: 

Freedom to Express Normal Behavior: by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind 

And it’s enshrined in UK law that animals should have the opportunity to express themselves as is appropriate for their species. That means free running for dogs! 

HINT: a reactive dog does NOT need to run the gauntlet of everything he fears every time he puts his nose out of the door. This dog would be a candidate for fewer but better-chosen walks. Perhaps a trip out of town to a quiet footpath, or even renting space in a field. 

Keeping your dog’s preferences in mind, along with your own, will lead you to finding a happy medium between the right amount of exercise and the right amount of stimulation.

So what’s your favourite dog walk? 

Do comment below and tell us where your favourite dog walks are, and whether you are fortunate enough to be able to access them easily and often - or whether they are special occasions you plan and look forward to!

And if you’re struggling with handling your dog on the lead at all, check out our free Workshop on getting your Dog to LISTEN! And for our lovely sensitive souls - our free Masterclass for Growly Dogs.


Would you love to work with dogs?

You’ve done all the studying about dog behaviour. Now you just have to learn how to get your business up and running. Practical guidance from someone who’s done it! Brilliant Family Dog is committed to improving the lives of dogs and their harassed …

Is this a dream of yours? That you’d love to work with dogs in some way?  

All day, every day, just working with dogs?

Many people harbour this secret dream in their heart. And the sad thing is that for most it remains a secret dream.

Why not get it out in the open and get going with it?!

Dogs, all day?

The first thing to know is that whatever area of working with dogs you choose, other things will always impinge. You won’t be “working with dogs, all day, every day”. There will always be reports to write, clients to interview, targets to meet …

At least when it’s your own business, you get to set those targets and decide where you want to focus!

And this is the stumbling-block for many.


“I’m no good at business …”

The thought of actually running a business is too much for them. They’re worried about all the red tape, the financial implications, the responsibility.

You’ve done all the studying about dog behaviour. Now you just have to learn how to get your business up and running. Practical guidance from someone who’s done it! Brilliant Family Dog is committed to improving the lives of dogs and their harassed …

Seduced by the regular income of their current job, they’d prefer to stay warm and cosy rather than get out there and help our friend, the dog.

You see, if you’re following Brilliant Family Dog, you are exactly the sort of person who should be out there spreading the word about force-free training! Showing people how it’s done! And showing them how they can transform their lives by following our kind methods.

YOU are valuable! We need your expertise and personality in the mix.

There are far too many people from the Dark Side - browbeating people into thinking they have to do nasty things to their dog to make any progress.

WE know that’s not true.

And once we’ve discovered this harmonious way to live with our companion dogs, we have a duty to show a better way.

🐾 A way which excludes bullying, intimidation, and pain.

🐾 A way which fosters personal choice, freedom, and joy.

I’m working on a new project to get people started in the business they’ve dreamt about for years, and never quite had the opportunity or the belief to start.

It will cover everything you need to do to get your business started fast - so much faster than you can imagine! Business skills, personal skills, people skills, dog skills . . . it’ll all be there for you, along with all the templates you need to get going.

Why can I do this? Because I’ve done it. I had the same concerns you have. And I worked it out.

Want some help with building this unbreakable relationship? Watch our free Workshop on Getting your Dog to Listen, and you may be surprised how much this short video will teach you!

Do you really want to change your Growly Dog?

Do you really want to change your Growly Dog?

You may think you do. And you may be on a hunt to find out how to improve life with your dog - whom you love dearly, but who is impossible on walks!

And this is a thoroughly laudable intent.

But you want to take care just what you change!

There are plenty of “dog trainers” who want to beat you and your dog into submission. They have no interest in anyone’s feelings. They just want to get results fast, regardless of the emotional cost.

They want you to hand your dog over to them for weeks. And you’ll have no idea what they’re actually doing.

Anyone who tells you they can fix your dog’s reactivity issues (they’ll call it ‘aggression’) in a matter of days or weeks is probably relying on punitive methods which may well work in the short term - by suppressing your dog’s natural responses and taking away his freedom of choice.

But they can have disastrous repercussions down the line!

You’ll find these residential training places online. You’ll find them in the local paper. It’s a cop-out which is very popular at the moment.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!

Do you want to give your dog a virtual lobotomy by using electric shock treatment to shut him down?

I’m sure you don’t. But unless you look very closely at what they’re doing with your dog, you won’t know till it’s too late.

This is one of the hazards of residential training: you have no idea what is happening to your dog!

The trainers may or may not make a difference to your anxious dog while he’s in their control.

But what happens when he gets home?

Thing is … it’s YOU who has to learn! Once you’ve learned what’s going on with your dog and why he’s doing what he does, then you can work with him to change this!

And change it while keeping all the wonderful aspects of his personality that make you care for him.

Scrap the idea of sending your dog to someone else to fix

So you’ve scrapped that idea! Now what?

There is a fashion for “dog residential training” - Dotheboys Hall in dog form. But YOU are the best person to work through your dog’s issues with him - with the help of caring trainers who put you in the driving seat! Brilliant Family Dog is commit…

🐕‍🦺 You’ve already hunted all over the internet

🐕‍🦺 You’ve read all the books

🐕‍🦺 You’ve watched the whole of Youtube

🐕‍🦺 You’ve learned ALL the things.


But have you done any of the things?

There is nothing wrong with you!

This is 100% normal. To think you just need to get the knowledge and it’ll all work for you.

You can gather information till the cows come home, but unless you have the support you need, you’re not going to get it working for you!

There’s a high likelihood that your brain is now scrambled. You are confused by so many conflicting methods and remedies - this person says this, that person says that, your next-door neighbour says the other …

So you need to find someone you can trust. Someone who understands what you’re going through, someone with experience, someone with your dog’s best interests at heart.

Try me!

You can check out what I do, what I stand for, and the results I’ve got. There are almost 250 articles here on www.brilliantfamilydog.com for you to read! There are my inexpensive books you can read or listen to, there are free email courses and guides - and there are free Masterclasses for you to “meet” me and see whether what I am saying makes sense to you, and whether I’m someone you can trust.

One person who listened to a Masterclass of mine (focussing on Growly - shy, anxious, reactive, ‘aggressive’ - Dogs) said to herself, “I think this woman can help me,” joined us and has never looked back! Her life and her dog’s life have been totally transformed.

If you’re still reading this post, and have read anything else of mine, there’s a high likelihood that what you are looking for for your dog can be found here.

Start with this Masterclass - The 3 Biggest Mistakes Growly Dog owners make - and what to do instead!

and tell us in the chat there what you think! You can ask any questions you like and I’ll be glad to answer them.